must be a reason in everything
is it a mirror of your being?
”it’s coming me right
it’s for more”
well it is anyhow - everywhere
it is anyhow - everywhere

my English is not good enough you say
but all things are going above
and there is a reason that they go their way
that you turn into it eyey
that you can turn into it eyey

eyeyeyey (yodeling)

but you call me a favor right?
the else is gonna sleep…
give me a reason to believe
to believe in angels
telling me to fly / to leave the elses…

heaven is open always
we can take it but we don’t find the way
it does not matter enough
but there’s a reason…
and this is love it is love

must be a reason in everything
it is a mirror of our understanding
and it is coming to me
it’s much more
well it is anyhow – everywhere
well it is anyhow – everywhere

All rigths reserved by Gudrun Liemberger